Published on
December 30, 2023

Job 24

"Yet God keeps pulling the mighty along – they get up even when not trusting their own lives."

Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Read Time
4 minutes
Job 24
“Yet God keeps pulling the mighty along – they get up even when not trusting their own lives. However, even if God lets them rest in safety, His eyes are on their ways. They are exalted for a little while; and then they are gone, brought low, gathered in like all others, shriveled up like ears of grain. And even if it isn’t so now, still no one can prove me a liar and show that my words are worthless.” Job 24:22-25 (CJB)

Job has been suffering the insults & accusations of his friends, who hold to a “theology” that claims God only punishes those who do evil, and He only rewards those who do good. Amid such a caustic environment, Job (in today’s chapter) gives evidence to the contrary of his friends’ beliefs.

“Men are groaning in the city, the mortally wounded are crying for help, yet God finds nothing amiss!” Job 24:12 (CJB)

Job points to the apparent injustices in their midst, where men who do wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. But Job goes further to suggest a reckoning is coming.

“Yet God keeps pulling the mighty along – they get up even when not trusting their own lives. However, even if God lets them rest in safety, His eyes are on their ways. They are exalted for a little while; and then they are gone, brought low, gathered in like all others, shriveled up like ears of grain.” Job 24:22-24 (CJB)

Yes, we will all die someday. Both the righteous and unrighteous must face death. To be honest, I am not afraid to die. That’s not to say I want to suffer! It’s just that believers should not fear death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Job says that what is to be feared is to be absent from the body but not in the Lord’s presence! True, the wicked may die with millions in the bank, healthy children, and smiles on their lips, but then there is judgment and eternal separation from God.  

People who believe in Heaven do so by faith. But the same is true for those who believe in Hell. Interestingly, those who reject the Bible’s description and requirements concerning salvation also reject its claims of judgment. One can reject the notion of God, Jesus, the need for salvation, Heaven, and Hell - but rejecting those truths does not mean they don’t exist. Job is telling his friends that a reckoning is coming, believe it or not.

“And even if it isn’t so now, still no one can prove me a liar and show that my words are worthless.” Job 24:25 (CJB)

Are you ready for the reckoning?

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