Published on
January 13, 2024

Job 37

"Teach us what we should tell Him, for the darkness keeps us from organizing our case."

Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Read Time
4 minutes
Job 37
“Teach us what we should tell Him, for the darkness keeps us from organizing our case. Is He to be told that I will speak? Can a man speak at all when he is already swallowed up? Now people don’t see the light, which is bright in the sky; but then the wind blows and clears the clouds away. Out of the north comes a golden glow, fearsome majesty surrounding God. Shaddai, whom we cannot find, whose power is immense in His great righteousness does not pervert justice. This is why people fear Him; He does not consider those who think of themselves as wise.” Job 37:19-24 (CJB)

In today’s passage, Job’s friend Elihu takes one final stab and accuses Job. His basic ongoing indictment is that Job is undergoing judgment for his sin by the righteous Judge. As we remember, Elihu is the more mystical and spiritual of Job’s friends. But as far back as chapter 4, Elihu reveals the source of his theology: Satan.

“For a word was stealthily brought to me, my ear caught only a whisper of it. In passing thoughts flashing through visions at night, when sleep lies heavy on people, a shiver of horror came over me; it made all my bones tremble. Then a spirit passed in front of my face; the hair on my flesh stood on end. It stood still, but I couldn’t make out its appearance; yet the form stayed there before my eyes. Then I heard a subdued voice, ‘Can a human be seen by God as righteous? Can a mortal be pure before his maker? God doesn’t trust His own servants, He finds fault even with His angels; much more those living in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust.’” Job 4:12-19 (CJB)

I know it may be laboring that I continue to bring this up, but if we can pinpoint the source of Elihu’s counsel, we can comprehend the real agenda behind the conversation. The reader then must ask, “What is Satan trying to accomplish from this conversation?”  What is evil communicating? I believe Satan is envious of God’s affection towards humanity, and he cannot understand why God would condemn him to Hell yet choose to redeem sinful men & women.

Pay attention to Satan’s question in chapter 4:  “Can a human be seen by God as righteous? Can a mortal be pure before his maker? God doesn’t trust His own servants, He finds fault even with His angels; much more those living in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust.”  Job 4:17b-19 (CJB)

Compare that with Satan’s questioning in today’s passage: “Shaddai, whom we cannot find, whose power is immense in His great righteousness does not pervert justice. This is why people fear Him; He does not consider those who think of themselves as wise.” Job 37:23-24 (CJB)

Satan is telling his own story and trying to convince Job that they have common eternal destinations, so Job should just give up! Envy is pride wounded in competition, and Satan is envious and hates believers because we have attained, by God’s Grace, what he could not achieve, even with his great power and position.

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